Company Logo - A unique and valuable asset? - Yellow Jersey Design
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Company Logo – A unique and valuable asset?

October 30th, 2014


Last week we were briefed by a client that had been hit by the ever changing climate of business where tiny companies are under cutting anyone and large companies put all there resources into getting all the work, so it is very hard for the middle man to survive.

One of my clients thought they needed to change the way their company works and has gone head strong into getting their business back.

Yellow Jersey Design has helped by creating a new, high impact retro logo that will get them recognised in this busy market they work in.

Some companies do feel that a logo design is an extra expense and they can create it themselves, but please consider that a logo is the first thing that someone thinks of when they hear your business’s name for example, when you hear the name Coca-Cola or Nike or Apple Mac what comes into your mind?

If yours is not up to scratch are you possible losing business as your logo does not pop into your clients mind first!

So, if you are not happy with your present logo, or would like a chat about how your existing logo can be evolved, why not give us a ring on 020 7183 0364 or send us an email at, for a chat to see how we can help you grow your company.

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